The Trump Administration has launched a massive assault on our climate, our public health and our environment
We think that's a really bad idea
The Trump Takeover of EPA: Throwing Environmental Protection In Reverse
We create tools & talking points to help you
speak out in defense of our protections
Resistance Guide
A how-to manual for Americans who want to speak out in defense of rules that protect the public.
Rules Under Attack
We track EPA rollback proposals and provide talking points for commenters.
Talking Points
Factoids about our public health, climate and environmental protections that you can adapt for your own use.
About EPA
Learn about the work EPA really does
& read about EPA in the News
EPA's Priorities & Budget
Learn how EPA's priorities are shifting. Find details about EPA's work, pre & post Trump.
Who We Are
Save EPA is an all-volunteer organization of retired and former EPA staff.
Americans of ALL stripes STILL support EPA and its mission. Everybody needs to know and share this truth.
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