A Guide for Fighting Rule Rollbacks
President Trump is using his control over federal agencies to aggressively roll back health, environmental, financial, workplace and other protections. As the New York Times reported, the Trump Administration's de-regulatory efforts are being conducted largely out of public view and often by political appointees with deep industry ties and potential conflicts of interest.
To help the public fight back, former federal employees have developed "A Practical Guide for Resisting Trump's De-Regulatory Agenda." Modeled after the Indivisible Guide for holding Congress accountable, our guide describes how to fight rule rollbacks by commenting during the federal rulemaking process, enlisting members of Congress, and taking other actions. Together, we can defend the rules put in place to protect us all -- and let our elected officials know that rule rollbacks will matter when we vote.
Public health, climate and environmental protections are squarely in the crosshairs of the Trump Administration. For Save EPA, that's our bailiwick. We are an all-volunteer organization of former EPA staff, with expertise in environmental science, law and policy. Save EPA is tracking de-regulatory actions that would weaken or remove these protections, and providing talking points for people who want to make their voices heard. We also provide links for easily submitting your comments to EPA and for identifying your members of Congress and emailing your comments to them.
Top government decision-makers often assume that the public isn't paying attention to what's happening to rules for protecting the public. Using this guide, you can show them they're wrong!
Save EPA’s guide:
Provides basic information about regulations and how they are made
Offers advice and links for making your voice heard in the rulemaking process
Offers a template and links for making your voice heard by your members of Congress
Suggests other complementary tactics to be used outside the rulemaking process
Describes how to find out about de-regulatory actions and provides links to organizations tracking those actions
Debunks standard claims for rolling back regulations
Provides links to other helpful guides and materials
Save EPA invites other groups to use and promote this guide widely to oppose the rollback of public protections by EPA and other agencies across the federal government. You can read the guide online in the viewer below. Or, download the guide for printing by using the download button -- it's the down arrow on a tiny page image located near the right end of the menu bar along the bottom of the viewer.
To get more information or make a comment about the guide, send an email to saveepa.guide@gmail.com to contact our Rules Team.

4 years ago, I never thought we would ever have to worry again about “saving EPA”. But here we are again, having elected as POTUS the most notorious climate denier we have ever known who is likely to try to dismantle EPA. So, it seems we will almost certainly soon need to revitalize the organization that Tom Sitz and I co-founded 8 years ago. Stay tuned, but today all I can do is grieve. Jeff Hart, Nov. 6, 2024
at 76 years old, I have seen what fossil fuels do to a city like Pittsburgh. Driving through it 70 years ago, it was as dark as night and a need to clean the windshield just to see where the street was. Going back later, I found that there was a beautiful train station under all that soot. They cleaned it off and found a fantastic stained glass arched ceiling, with replacement windows in the next building. Don’t go backward! We can’t use coal PERIOD!