Job Center open for EPA staff being ousted by Trump

The EPA Alumni Association has created an on-line job center to help EPA staffers find new work  On Monday, August 6, the Trump Administration begins its assault on EPA staffing. This Administration plans to eliminate more than 3000 jobs – in an agency with only 15,000 employees.  The pink slips start flowing with folks … Read more

Proposed EPA Budget Cuts Meet Stiff Bipartisan Resistance from House Appropriations Subcommittee

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt defended the Trump Administration’s massive cuts to the EPA budget before a key House subcommittee on Thursday.   The plan to dismantle our environmental protections  was not well received – by either party. Bloomberg reports: The criticism of EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt at a budget hearing Thursday illustrates the difficulty Trump … Read more

Boulder’s Climate Researchers Wary Of White House Budget, Paris Accord Exit

The alpine Niwot Ridge research site, about 21 miles west of Boulder, is one of about 100 NOAA sites around the globe that tracks carbon dioxide levels. The Colorado data is one of the longest sets, stretching back 50 years. Grace Hood/CPR News For decades, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has depended on a … Read more

Trump’s budget calls for hits on federal employee retirement programs (in addition to staffing cuts)

Yesterday’s Washington Post offered some insights into the Trump Administration’s plans to reduce earnings for federal workers – both present and past. (Article links below.) Perhaps only the heartlessness the president’s budget demonstrates for the poor, the hungry and the sick exceeds the billionaire’s absence of empathy for the federal employees who serve them… [it] would … Read more

Save EPA has been an all-volunteer group of former EPA officials who became alarmed about the Trump agenda for EPA and joined together to fight it.

With newly-elected President-Elect Biden and VP-Elect Harris coming in January, the need to "save EPA" is much less urgent. This is not to imply all clear skies ahead - there is much re-building to do, there will be negative pressures on the new administration, and we will likely have policy differences in the future. However, we are hopeful that these differences will be discussed rationally, using science as a basis for moving forward, and keeping EPA's mission of protecting human health and the environment in the forefront.

And so, we are going back to retirement!  We're keeping our website up at , as a resource for those who want to follow and influence the restoration work. Our report on the Trump record at EPA describes the actions that need to be reversed [], and our guide to participating in the rulemaking process [] can help you be part of the solution.

Thank you for your support and commitment during the past 3.5 years.  While the Trump assaults were unending, they were also frequently unsuccessful, and that was due in large part to public outrage.  Keep it up!  Although EPA will be in much better hands with a Biden administration, there is always a need for an informed and engaged public.