Budget talking points for climate deniers (& folks who don’t “get” EPA)

Here’s some great advice from a savvy advocate about how to talk to people who aren’t in the pro-EPA camp. “We need to reach these guys with language/framing  that will leverage their system of values, if we want them to change their positions/ be strong in maintaining pro EPA position. Instead of climate change, talk … Read more

EPA Budget Cuts & Talking Points

The Ides of March are notorious for the brutal assassination of Julius Caesar by his friends. Scott Pruitt is following in this tradition. Trump’s budget blueprint (the “skinny budget”) is on the street – and it’s even uglier than the OMB markup. The OMB markup document (released before Pruitt’s confirmation) proposed a 25% cut to … Read more

Right to know: Program cuts and vanishing information

Woman with duct tape over mouth signed EPA

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requires that all federal agencies make information available to the public on request, unless the information falls within a set of narrowly drawn exemptions.1 Processing FOIA requests is time-consuming and costly in terms of staff time. EPA decided years ago that it was more cost-effective to make data and … Read more

How much do environmental protections cost taxpayers?

Colorado Senator Gardner called the EPA the “Everyone Pays A Lot” administration.1 So how much do we really pay for EPA? https://insideclimatenews.org/news/16032017/donald-trump-budget-proposal-climate-change-global-warming-epa EPA’s current budget is $8.14 billion, 0.2 percent of the projected $4-trillion fiscal year 2017 federal budget.2 With the U.S. population at about 324 million, Trump’s proposed cuts would bring the EPA’s yearly … Read more