Which environmental protections do you want to keep?

EPA has opened a comment period soliciting input on which regulations to repeal and which to keep. The docket does not provide a closing date for comments, but assume it’s short – recommendations are due to the White House by May 15.

Use this link to submit your comments. https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=EPA-HQ-OA-2017-0190

Commenting tips from Altepa:
To make a meaningful impact, tell a personal and unique story and do not copy others. Make your submission as long as possible.

To ensure your voice is heard, only speak to your need for regulations as a defender of the environment. Do not attack people or the agency!

If you are in DC on Tuesday, April 25 you can attend an in-person meeting. 10:00am to 1:00pm Eastern DST at EPA’s Headquarters (1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW). Contact Joan B. Rogers (202-564-6568 or rogers.joanb@epa.gov), not later than Monday, April 17, 2017 to register (and get your name on the security clearance list).



4 thoughts on “Which environmental protections do you want to keep?”

  1. I’d prefer that the EPA keep all past policies. These policies were added to protect the people. I particularly would like the EPA to enforce policies to do with mining,keeping the air clean, and keeping drinking water clean.


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